In Russia, they want to increase conscription age to 30 years

3 01015
A draft law on increasing the age of conscription to 21 years, and the upper limit of conscription to 30 years, was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The authors of the document are the chairman of the defense committee Andriy Kartapolov and his two deputies, Andriy Krasov and Yuriy Shvitkin, Censor.NET reports with reference to the Russian service of the BBC. They are developing the initiative of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu, who proposed to move the framework of the conscription age in Russia in December 2022 at the collegium of the ministry, addressing the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

The draft law provides for raising the lower limit of the draft age to 21 years, and the upper limit - to 30 years, i.e. shifting the age of conscripts by 3 years.

The authors explained that the lower bar is raised for "guaranteed acquisition by citizens of secondary general, secondary professional and higher education". Since this will lead to a reduction in the number of potential recruits, the upper age limit is raised "as a compensation".

A transitional period until 2026 is foreseen. In 2024, Russians aged 19 to 30 will be subject to military service, in 2025 - from 20 to 30, and in 2026 - from 21 to 30.

At the same time, the draft law enables young adults of legal age to join the army before reaching conscription age.

It is also noted that in the event of the adoption of the law, already issued deferrals will be effective until their term expires or until their grounds disappear.