88% of Ukrainians believe in victory in war with Russia, 58% believe it will happen in 1-2 years - poll. INFOGRAPHICS

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The belief in victory continues to unite the vast majority of Ukrainians (88%), whereby 63% of them believe in victory without any doubt.

This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in cooperation with the Razumkov Center sociological service, Censor.NET reports.

88% of Ukrainians believe in victory in war with Russia, 58% believe it will happen in 1-2 years - poll 01

Only 5% of respondents doubt the victory. However, compared to December 2022, the ratio between those who believe in victory unconditionally has changed somewhat (78% in December 2022, 63% now) and those who rather believe in victory (15% in December 2022, 25% now).

The vast majority of the residents of all macro-regions are convinced of Ukraine's victory, but in the South there are slightly more skeptics (10%) compared to the others. At the same time, belief in Ukraine's victory dominates in all age groups.

88% of Ukrainians believe in victory in war with Russia, 58% believe it will happen in 1-2 years - poll 02

More than half of Ukrainians (58%) believe that Ukraine will win this war in the short term: 6% - in the next few months, 21% - by the summer of 2024, and another 31% - in 1-2 years. In the medium term (3-5 years), 15% of respondents are inclined to win. At the same time, supporters of the most pessimistic scenario, who do not believe that victory will come in their lifetime, are in the absolute minority (2.5%).

When it comes to the possible achievements in the war that Ukrainians are willing to give preference to, there is a clear link between achievements in the war and the rescue of their own citizens, and the demand for justice and punishment of Russia. Thus, among the various achievements possible as a result of the war, most Ukrainians are focused on the release of all prisoners and the return of deported Ukrainians (69%). The second place is occupied by three outcomes that are equally important to citizens: Ukraine's accession to NATO to guarantee protection from another war (42%), punishment of all Russian war criminals (42%), and compensation for all damages caused to the economy and citizens (41.5%).

One in four Ukrainians (26%) would consider the collapse of Russia as a state an achievement as a result of the war. At the same time, there are significant regional differences in the assessment of this option. Thus, in the West, the largest share of the local population would consider this an achievement (40%). In the Center and in the East, 23% and 24%, respectively, consider this a likely achievement in the war. In the South, however, only 10% would give this preference over other possible achievements and results.