Parliament adopts law on electronic register of persons liable for military service as whole (updated)
This was reported by People's Deputy from the "Voice" Yaroslav Zhelezniak, Censor.NET informs.
"After long and complicated discussions and the failure of many amendments, the draft law No. 10062 on registers for military registration was adopted as a whole," he wrote.
According to the people's deputy, 249 people's deputies voted in favor.
The explanatory note states that the draft law was developed to "legislatively improve the procedure of information interaction between state registers" for military registration and obtaining the status of a war veteran.
The draft law amends the laws on the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists, and on the status of war veterans and guarantees of their social protection.
It is also intended to simplify the process of obtaining a veteran status during martial law by the military.
In addition, from now on, the entry in the Unified State Register will contain 30 items, including information about:
- unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register;
- information on employment (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine code and location of the enterprise, place of work, position, length of employment);
- details of the document on education (series, number, date of issue, issuing educational institution, level of education, profession, field of knowledge, specialty);
- mobile numbers and e-mail;
- details of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine and documents entitling him/her to travel abroad;
- information about parents and family members;
- information on the restriction of civil capacity, on the disability group;
- information on the results of medical examinations conducted to determine fitness for military duty;
- information about the person's relocation to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine;
- information on bringing a person to criminal and administrative liability;
- information on foreign language proficiency;
- information on the permit to keep and carry weapons;
- details of the driver's license (series, number, date of issue, issuing authority, validity period, category), as well as documents on the right to drive tractors, ships and aircraft;
- information on the right to deferment from conscription during mobilization;
- information on the status of an IDP (internally displaced person);
- information on the status of war veterans, the dead and missing.
To this end, it is proposed to expand the list of sources for creating and updating the Registry database.
In addition to the data from the Central Election Commission, the data from the State Tax Service and the State Migration Service will be used for this purpose.
To update the information in the register of persons liable for military service, it is proposed to use data from the registers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, the State Maritime Inspectorate, and the State Aviation Service.
The draft law provides for the creation of an electronic account for conscripts, persons liable for military service, and reservists, the procedure for access to which will be determined by the Ministry of Defense.
In addition, it is proposed to establish that the issuance of military registration documents for Ukrainian citizens should be carried out exclusively using the means of the register.
As stated in the explanatory note to the draft law, its purpose is to simplify the procedure for obtaining the status of a combatant during martial law, as well as a person with a disability as a result of war and a family member of the deceased (dead) Defenders of Ukraine.