Reproductive cells of fallen soldiers of AFU to be stored free of charge for 3 years - Rada reconsiders decision

3 85416
Право воїнів на зберігання репродуктивних клітин після їхньої загибелі
On Wednesday, February 7, the Verkhovna Rada amended the law regarding military personnel in terms of ensuring their right to biological parenthood. People’s deputies adopted as a whole the draft law No. 10448 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Preserving the Gene Pool of the Ukrainian People."

This is stated on the Rada's website, Censor.NET reports.

A total of 264 people's deputies voted in favor of draft law No. 0448.

What the adopted draft law provides for

The document proposes to provide:

  • in the event of death or declaration of death in accordance with the established procedure, the person whose reproductive cells are stored will be stored free of charge for three years, and after this period, further storage of such cells may be extended at the expense of another person specified in the person's order regarding his or her reproductive cells;
  • an individual whose reproductive cells are stored in accordance with the law has the right to dispose of them in the event of his or her death;
  • If the reproductive cells of a person who has made a corresponding order in case of his/her death are used to conceive a child, this individual is recognised as the father or mother of the child born in this way;
  • the will of a person, made and certified by a notary, before the entry into force of this law in relation to their own reproductive cells, is the basis for the use of assisted reproductive technologies using these reproductive cells.

On January 26, People's Deputy, Chairman of the Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance Mykhailo Radutskyi said in a comment to Censor.NET that the Verkhovna Rada would adopt amendments to the Civil Code by March 23 that would take into account the interests of the families of fallen soldiers.

The Rada will amend the draft law to preserve the reproductive cells of military personnel even after their death.

Author: Ольга Кошарна