Number of Ukrainians who believe that events in state are progressing in wrong direction has increased to 38% - poll

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38% of Ukrainians believe that events in Ukraine are developing in the wrong direction. Currently, there is a tendency to decrease the number of those who are confident in the correct vector of events in our country

This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center from January 19 to 25, 2024, Censor.NET reports.


As noted, after the beginning of Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine, the share of citizens who believe that events in Ukraine are progressing in the right direction has increased significantly (from 20% in December 2021 to 51% in September-October 2022, reaching its highest level in February-March 2023 (61%).

"After that, there is a downward trend in this indicator. According to the latest survey, the shares of those who believe that events in Ukraine are progressing in the right direction (41%) and those who believe that they are progressing in the wrong direction (38%) do not differ statistically (21% have not decided)," the survey interpretation says.

33% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine is able to overcome existing problems and difficulties in the next few years, 42% believe that Ukraine will be able to overcome problems in the longer term, and 9% believe that Ukraine is not able to overcome existing problems (the rest have not decided). Ukrainians were the most optimistic about the prospects for overcoming problems and difficulties in late 2022 and early 2023 (for example, in February-March 2023 - 49%, 36%, and 3%, respectively). And the estimates before the outbreak of a full-scale war (in December 2021 - 18%, 54% and 18%, respectively) were much more pessimistic.

What citizens note

"Citizens most often point to a deterioration in the situation (compared to the beginning of 2023) in the following areas: the level of prices and tariffs (86% indicated a deterioration), the economic situation of the country (68%), the level of stability (64.5%), citizens' confidence in the future (63.5%), the level of well-being of their families (58%), and citizens' attitude towards the government (53%). 61% of respondents point to the deterioration of the situation in the country as a whole," the sociologists noted.

Also, a relative majority of respondents state the deterioration of the situation in the following areas: the attitude of the authorities to citizens (46%), remuneration (43%).

Regarding the observance of the law by civil servants, approximately equal shares of respondents believe that the situation has worsened (41.5%) and that it has not changed (39%).

Citizens most often believe that the situation has not changed over the past year in the areas of pensions (55%), healthcare (52%), and freedom of speech (51%).

A relative majority of respondents believe that there have been no significant changes in the level of democracy in the country (49%), the situation of ethnic and religious minorities (47.5%), social protection (social payments, benefits, allowances, etc.) (46%), observance of citizens' rights and freedoms (44%), education (44%), the situation with crime (43%), and interethnic relations in Ukraine (41%).

Positive changes

Positive changes, according to citizens, are mostly related to the country's defense capability (51% of respondents say it has improved) and the country's international image (50.5%).