Verkhovna Rada adopts as basis draft law that will allow corrupt officials to pay their way out of prison

15 021136
Рада ухвалила в першому читанні законопроєкт, який дозволить корупціонерам відкупитися від в’язниці

The Verkhovna Rada passed draft law No. 11340 in the first reading, which will allow corrupt officials to "pay off" their way out of prison.

This was announced by MP Yaroslav Zhelezniak of the Voice party, Censor.NET reports.

"#11340 draft law on plea bargaining in corruption proceedings. It was voted for in 231 votes.

Despite the risks pointed out by NABU, SAPO, and the Anti-Corruption Committee.... the coalition passed the first reading in the parliament," the statement said.

The head of the AntAC, Vitalii Shabunin, said: "A special 'greeting' to Speaker Stefanchuk, who proposed to vote for the draft law without any discussion at all. Indeed, why should the 'serfs' hear which masters will pay off our robbery?

This vote was monitored by the embassies of all our Western allies. All of them. I'm waiting for the next posts from MPs about how they are directly advocating Western assistance for our Defence Forces...".