Partners periodically raise issue of lowering draft age to 18 - "servant of people" Venislavskyi

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Партнери іноді пропонують знизити призовни вік до 18 років

Ukraine's partners periodically raise the issue of lowering the conscription age. They believe that 18-25 years is the most optimal age for mobilisation.

This was stated during a briefing by a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence, People`s Deputy of the Servant of the People party, Fedir Venislavskyi, Censor.NET reports.

"There are currently no initiatives to lower the conscription age below 25 in Ukraine. Neither at the level of the Verkhovna Rada, nor have representatives of the General Staff, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, or the Ministry of Defense expressed such initiatives. There are no grounds to talk about the need to lower the age of conscription for military service during mobilization," he said.

According to Venislavskyi, this is an issue that is periodically raised by our partners who provide assistance.

"Because they believe that the age of 18-25 is the most optimal and effective age for citizens to be able to fight effectively due to their physical and psychological qualities, but there are no initiatives in this regard at the level of our state, at the level of the legislative and executive branches, the president," the People`s Deputy added.

Author: Ольга Кошарна