47% of Ukrainians believe that lifting restrictions on strikes on Russia with Western weapons will lead to peace - poll by Razumkov Center. INFOGRAPHICS

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Який шлях до миру: опитування Центру Разумкова

The lifting of restrictions on Ukraine's strikes against Russia with Western weapons will lead to peace in Ukraine faster, according to 47% of Ukrainians.

This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Centre, Censor.NET reports.

47% of citizens believe that the West's permission to strike the territory of the Russian Federation is more likely to lead to peace in Ukraine than negotiations between Ukraine and Russia (only 29% of respondents consider such negotiations to be a more effective way to achieve peace).

Який шлях до миру: опитування Центру Разумкова

"Those respondents who believe in Ukraine's victory are more likely to believe that permission from Western countries for Ukraine to use Western weapons without restrictions on targets in Russia is more likely to lead to peace in Ukraine (52%), while 25% of them prefer negotiations. Whereas those who do not believe in victory consider negotiations to be a more effective way to achieve peace (18% and 56% respectively). The same position is more often held by those who would consider the end of the war a victory, even if the Russian army remains in the territories that were captured as a result of a full-scale invasion (15% and 67%, respectively)," the study says.

Belief in victory

According to sociologists, 83% of citizens believe in Ukraine's victory, while 11% do not.

Який шлях до миру: опитування Центру Разумкова

If there's a breakthrough

Regarding the timing of victory, among respondents who believe in it, 39% believe that it will come in 1-2 years, 19.5% believe that it will come by the end of this year, 15% believe that it will take 3 to 5 years, 5% believe it will take more than 5 years, and 2% believe that victory will happen "unlikely in my lifetime."

Який шлях до миру: опитування Центру Разумкова

The survey was conducted from September 20 to 26, 2024, face-to-face in all regions of Ukraine, except for the temporarily occupied territories and territories where military operations are ongoing. 2016 respondents were interviewed, the theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%.