Ukrainians consider territorial integrity of Ukraine and fight against corruption to be priority goals of state for 10 years, - survey. INFOGRAPHICS

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Sociologists studied the opinions of Ukrainians regarding the state’s priorities for the next decade.

The survey was conducted by the Sociological Group "Rating" on the order of the Center for Survey Research of the International Republican Institute (IRI).

To the question "Do you think today's generation of youth will have a good future in Ukraine or not?" 84% of the respondents answered that the youth will have a good future, 15% - that they do not think so, and 5% could not decide on the answer. In terms of regions, the population of the East is opinionated - 81% believe that the state will recover and develop after the war, 13% - expressed skepticism about a good future. In the Center and in the South - 85-86% of respondents are positive about the future of the state, in the West - 83%.

Ukrainians consider territorial integrity of Ukraine and fight against corruption to be priority goals of state for 10 years, - survey 01

In addition, Ukrainians were asked what they consider to be the priority goals for the state for the period up to 2032. Citizens consider the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine to be the most important - 49% of respondents. Ukraine should get rid of corruption - this opinion was expressed by 48%. Strengthening the country's defense capability was chosen as a priority goal by 35%, joining the EU - 33%, joining NATO - 19%.

Ensuring a high level of economic development of Ukraine was identified as an important area of state policy by 30% of respondents, reforms in the field of justice - 17%; improvement of the level of comfort in settlements - 13%; more power of citizens in decision-making processes - 11%.

Ukrainians consider territorial integrity of Ukraine and fight against corruption to be priority goals of state for 10 years, - survey 02

Ukrainians consider territorial integrity of Ukraine and fight against corruption to be priority goals of state for 10 years, - survey 03

The survey was conducted throughout Ukraine (except the occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas) from June 27-28, 2022 through telephone interviews (CATI) based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers. 2,004 Ukrainians over the age of 18 were interviewed. The error at the 95% confidence level does not exceed 2% for the full sample. The study was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).