Deminers test PT-300 D:MINE mechanized demining machine in Kharkiv region. PHOTOS
This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Censor.NET reports.
As noted, sappers from the Interregional Centre for Humanitarian Demining and Rapid Response of the State Emergency Service are testing the vehicle in the area where active hostilities were taking place.
Currently, this equipment demines a field littered with cluster munitions that have not self-extinguished and threaten the lives of civilians," the SES said.
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated UAH 97 million for demining equipment. In particular, UAH 49.5 million was allocated to the State Emergency Service for the purchase of three armoured light pyrotechnic vehicles and two truck tractors. In addition, the Ministry of Defence received more than UAH 48 million to purchase equipment for humanitarian demining.