They tortured ATO veteran during occupation of Kherson: SSU serves notice of suspicion to Russian General Zavyalov and his subordinates. PHOTO

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The evidence base on 11 more Russian war criminals involved in mass repressions and killings of civilians after the capture of Kherson was collected.

This was reported by the Security Service of Ukraine, Censor.NET reports.

The crimes of Russian Police Major General Yuriy Zavyalov, Deputy Head of the Main Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Krasnoyarsk Krai, and his subordinates were documented.

According to the SSU, at the request of the traitor Saldo, in July 2022, the Kremlin "sent" them to Kherson, which was captured at that time, to carry out so-called "mop-up" among local residents. To organise the repressive measures, Zavyalov was appointed head of the occupation "Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Kherson region". Two more Russian police colonels, Gennady Beryozin and Yuriy Zakavryashin, were appointed "deputy heads" of the pseudo-agency. These three defendants organised ruscist groups that abducted residents of the regional centre and escorted them to the occupation torture chamber, which was run by Andrei Spivak, a 38-year-old senior lieutenant of the Russian police.

російський генерал Зав’ялов та його підлеглі

Thus, on the order of Zavyalov, his subordinate used brutal torture against prisoners, including beatings and starvation. It has been established that it was on Spivak's orders that a 54-year-old ATO veteran was electrocuted to death.

During the liberation of Kherson, Zavyalov and his subordinates fled to Russia, where they received Kremlin awards. To conceal the war crimes, the defendants changed their personal data in their personal files in Russia. However, SSU officers together with the National Police identified each offender and their personal data.

Thus, Zavyalov, Beresin, Zakavryashin, Spivak and six other defendants were served suspicion notices in absentia under Part 2 of Article 28, Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy). The actions of another offender were classified under Part 2 Article 28, Part 5 Article 27, Part 2 Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (aiding and abetting in the cruel treatment of civilians combined with intentional murder).

Comprehensive measures to bring the perpetrators to justice are underway.

Author: Ольга Кошарна