Administrator of pro-Russian Telegram channels, who called on Russia to seize Kharkiv, gets 10 years in prison. PHOTO
With the support of the public prosecution by the prosecutors of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, the court found the citizen guilty of disseminating materials calling for actions aimed at changing the boundaries of the territory and state border of Ukraine, collaboration, production and dissemination of materials denying the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press centre of the Prosecutor General's Office.
As noted, she was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
"Prosecutors proved that due to her active participation in anti-Ukrainian chats, the Kharkiv resident came to the attention of Russian special services. In January 2023, she received an offer to become an administrator of a number of Telegram channels that spread Kremlin narratives and published posts justifying Russia's armed aggression," the statement said.
What did the traitor write on social media?
In the posts posted by the woman, it was alleged that it was the Ukrainian military who were shelling civilian houses. The convict wrote about her dreams of the soonest possible "liberation" of Kharkiv, identified it as a "Russian city", praised the Russian military and called Russia "mother".
The unlawful nature of the convict's statements was confirmed by the conclusion of a semantic and linguistic examination.
She was awaiting trial in custody. During the trial, the woman admitted her guilt in full.