Administrator of Telegram channels for evaders turned out to be FSB agent - SSU. PHOTOS

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One of the organisers of the scheme for evaders was exposed for collaborating with the Russian Federal Security Service.

This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the SSU press service.

In August 2024, the SSU detained a man when he was trying to swim across a section of the Dnieper River on the border with Belarus in fins to move to Russia.

"During the investigation, SSU investigators obtained evidence that the defendant was in contact with representatives of the enemy special service, deliberately disrupted mobilisation in Ukraine and, after fleeing to Russia, planned to participate in information and psychological operations of the FSB," the statement said.

The defendant is a 52-year-old resident of Zhytomyr region, a former representative of the banned "Derzhava" party, who was remotely recruited by the Russian secret service.

Initially, the man administered Telegram channels, and then created a network of new ones in which he provided conscripts with detailed instructions on how to avoid conscription.

For example, he offered evaders to escape to the Russian Federation via pre-prepared routes "bypassing" checkpoints.

"To develop escape routes through forest trails or water bodies, the agent scouted the relevant sections of the state border, marked them on maps and sent them to his clients. After fleeing to Russia, the defendant planned to participate in the FSB's information and psychological operations. In live broadcasts of enemy propagandists, he was supposed to discredit the state institutions of our country on behalf of ordinary citizens of Ukraine," the SSU said.

He was served a notice of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed under martial law).

The case file was sent to court. The man is in custody. He faces life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Earlier, the criminal actions of the defendant were classified under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Part 1 of Article 114-1 (obstruction of the lawful activities of the Armed Forces and other military formations during a special period), Part 2 of Article 332 (illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine).

Адміністратор Telegram-каналів з Житомирщини виявився агентом ФСБ
Адміністратор Telegram-каналів з Житомирщини виявився агентом ФСБ
Адміністратор Telegram-каналів з Житомирщини виявився агентом ФСБ