Warhead of Russian Kh-101 missile was neutralized in Sumy region. PHOTO

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A Russian missile was found near a village in the Sumy region that did not explode when it fell.

This was reported by the regional police, Censor.NET reports.

"After examining the find, the explosive ordnance disposal department realized that this time they would be dealing with a Russian Kh-101 cruise missile. This air-to-ground missile weighs 2,200 kilograms and has a powerful warhead weighing 400 kilograms.

A mobile group of police explosives experts neutralized the warhead and took it away from the homes for destruction," the statement said.

Частину ракети Х-101 знешкодили на Сумщині
Частину ракети Х-101 знешкодили на Сумщині

Author: Екатерина Людвик