

More details In a significant 2024 amendment by the Cabinet of Ministers, priests are now eligible for mobilization exemption during wartime in Ukraine, reflecting an important development in the intersection of religion and state policies. In other notable incidents, Metropolitan Klyment suffered an attack in Kyiv, highlighting escalating tensions involving clergymen. Furthermore, involvement of ROC priests in occupied Ukrainian territories and advocacy for military involvement among youths has raised critical concerns. Domestic conflicts continue as seen in Odesa, where a priest was caught aiding draft evasion. Controversies also extend into allegations of serious misconduct within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), with the latest incident involving illegal activities at Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Diocese. Amidst these troubling events, positive notes arise as chaplains prepare to support troops in ATO areas, showcasing the enduring spirit and support provided by Ukraine’s religious communities.